I'm a plant lover and collector and I just want to share my views and thoughts on plants that I have experience with. I love helping people when I can and not only do I want to see my plant life do well but everyone else's also.
Monday, October 5, 2015
The Beginning
Hello my name is Tamara Adams and I wanted to start off by telling you just a little bit about myself. I've been married for 6 1/2 years and I have a beautiful, funny, and smart 3 year old daughter. I work at a child development center on a military base. I love working with children even though some days are much more challenging then others. Nonetheless it's a very rewarding job at the end of the day. Another thing I enjoy is nature this I must blame on my mom I guess she taught me to be thankful for all of God's creations. It didn't matter what it was as long as you remain humble and be thankful for everything around you. Seeing that I love nature so much I really enjoy looking at the clouds in the sky, trees blowing in the wind, I love hearing the rain drops fall outside. I love seeing snow fall in the winter time while I snuggle up with a blanket and a cup of coffee. Now that I think about it nature relaxes me when I'm feeling down and out. I'm also a Leo so it's something about the sun that just wake me up and give me so much energy especially on a cold and blistering day. Life is such a gift that so many people loose every day so why not take advantage and enjoy the little things that so many people take for granted? That's why I wanted to start my own blog to help as many people as I can when it comes to plants. I'm far from a "expert" but I take my time and do so much research on the plants that I take care of in my home. I've always been a plant person and I'm what you called a self taught gardener. I remember when I was just a teen and had no idea what I was doing but I manage to grow a garden in my mom's backyard and planted flowers that popped up each year. My garden did very well for me just digging up dirt, planting seeds, and water. That's all I did and to my surprised the few greens and wild onions I planted popped up like crazy. My first indoor plant was a cactus I brought from home depot which grew really well! What happened to it still saddens me until this day... I came home one day and to my surprise someone stab my cactus with what I don't know but I was so beat about that I didn't buy another plant for years and years. Now I'm a proud owner of quite a few indoor plants and look forward to sharing any information I can. I'm one of those weird people that can't stand to see a plant stuff so I also take pride in doing what I call rescue missions. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and to read my first post and I'm excited to share many more with you!
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